
Engine Rebuilding in Spokane Valley and Spokane, WA

Engine Rebuilding

Looking to save some money and still have the power and gas mileage you are looking for? Instead of buying a new motor and having it installed, we will rebuild your motor at an affordable cost. The engine rebuilding process is described below.

First, we dissemble the engines to get it ready for the next process. The bore size on the block must be checked to make sure it is rebuildable. All galley plugs are removed and the next step is to clean the motor. We use a process that is safe and efficient. We heat the motor, which turns all the grease and oil into powder, and then the blaster removes it. The cast iron afterwards is clean as NEW!

The next step is to check the motor for any cracks. It is then "overbored," leaving the final .003 to be honed. While boring the motor, we constantly measure accuracy with a profilometer. This will let us know the roughness average finish on the surface of the engine.

All the cast iron heads are checked for cracks as well. The aluminum heads are pressure checked and will receive new valve guides. Valve seats are replaced with hardened seats and then every head is surfaced and checked for straightness on top and align bored or straightened as necessary. We then check with a vacuum tester to know when the valves are seated and the head is DONE!

In addition, the crank and camshaft are cleaned also. The camshafts are checked for bad lobes or scrapes and the crankshafts are checked for straightness prior to grinding. We also check with the profilometer that they have a smooth finish.

After a final cleaning, new oil galley plugs, freeze plugs, cam bearings, and a reground camshaft are installed in the block. The crankshaft and new main bearings are then put in, followed by connecting rods. These are also fitted with new piston rings and rod bearings. The last step is to install push rods and, rocker arms and adjust the valves! Your new rebuilt motor is ready to rock and roll!

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